Choya umeshu superior - 750 ml
Umeshu is a Japanese liqueur made from maceration of ume (plum still unripe and green in color). It has a sweet, slightly sour taste, and an alcohol content of 10-15 degrees. A renowned brand of "umeshu" are Choya (including this superior) and TaKaRa Shuzo. The plums used for this type of liqueur are among the most valuable in Japan.
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We can deliver anywhere in the world thanks to DHL, FEDEX and UPS
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At the time of shipment, the product will have 120 days or more remaining to expire*
At the time of shipment, the product will have 120 days or more remaining to expire*
- To be consumed preferably within
- Se correttamente conservato il prodotto non ha data di scadenza.
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